Stephen Atindana Abane | Ghana

Stephen Atindana Abane is an award-winning nurse with 12 years of experience working in rural communities.  He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the University of Ghana and a diploma in nursing from Bolga Nursing Training College.  Stephen is currently the charge nurse at the Talensi District Hospital Newborn Care Unit, where he plans, implements care, mentors junior staff, and organizes and leads awareness-raising events.  His efforts have helped to improve newborn care and reduce neonatal mortality in the district as a whole.  Stephen is self-motivated, enthusiastic about community services, and a strong health advocate, particularly in the areas of reproductive and child health.  He co-founded Impact Mission, Ghana, in 2018 to combat viral hepatitis.  He is also a founding member of Aide à la Vulnarabillita and a radio health talk show, "The Consulting Room."  Stephen hopes that the knowledge and skills he gains from the fellowship will help him improve neonatal care in the region.